After completing Flatiron’s curriculum, I have found myself spending a lot of time wondering, ‘What’s next?’. The obvious answer is the career search; that’s the next step in everyone’s path. When I say; “what’s next?”, though, I mean what do I LEARN next? Things are constantly changing in this world. Languages rise and fall. Frameworks have their days and are soon replaced. In a climate that’s ever-changing, how do you decide what the next best thing is? Software engineering, as we all know, is a neverending path of learning.
Have you ever thought about measuring performance of a function? How would you go about doing that? Would you measure it in milliseconds? What if a function on takes .00000000000000001 second? That would round to 0 milliseconds. So how much time did it take?
For my React project I wanted to stretch what we’ve learned and implement user authentication into an application containing seperate front and back ends. While this sounds fairly straightforward in theory it is a bit more complicated in practice. First, while rails has a very good authentication system through ActiveRecord and bcrypt, you won’t be able to use it if you load your rails backend as an api. Creating an api-only backend will disable rails sessions (and in turn disable cookies from being passed between the browser and server.) Without this cookie, there is the possibility of being logged in on the backend but not on the front, and vice-versa. It took a while to get set up, but the basics are this:
Today, December 9th 2020, is a day in history for me. Today, I walked into my first ever interview for a position as a Software Engineer.
Do you remember seeing that in the Javascript lessons here on Learn? I do. I remember seeing it, noting it, and moving on. Until, in my Javascript-Rails project, I ran into a situation where an HTML collection is NOT an array! I was baffled. I had a bunch of cards, all with an h4 tag that I wanted to add an event listener. Easy Right? Grab them all, iterate them, add a click listener to each. Done.